Sunday 13 November 2011

November still digging the new potato bed.

Spent another lovely day sieving out the stone on the new potato bed.  I am mixing in the horse muck and it is making very friable soil.  Just wish I could work a little faster.  There is still a lot of stone in the soil but slowly but surely it is being removed.

It certainly tires you out.

I am mixing the soil through the sieve and also using conical mounds of soil and throwing the newly sieved soil on the top so that it mixes as it runs down the sides of the mound.

The weeds are still growing and the strawberries will have to be hand weeded before they are taken over by poached egg plant seedlings.  Also the grazing rye on the top bed is getting a lot of Stellaria media seedlings growing between the rows.  A quick going over with hoe, cultivator and rake will see these weeds off.

Harvested some rocket Eruca sativa and some radish Raphanus sativus for salad today.  I would like to harvest the American winter cress Barbarea verna  but this is a little small at the moment.  It will be useful later in the year when there is nothing else growing.

Some of the purple sprouting brocolli is flowering so this could be harvested too.  The plants are large but they are not sending up many flowering spikes.  Don't think that so much of this will be planted next year.

I will concentrate on producing some really good cauliflowers and cabbages.

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