Friday 8 April 2011

Working on the allotment.

How is it that you spend so much time on the allotment and get so little done.

I planted the three remaining rows of sweet peas.  Gwendaline (pink on white), Jilly(cream)  and Bristol (blue purple).  I planted them all with mychorrhizal fungi and watered them in with diluted comfrey liquid.  They are planted according to the plan.  This means that I don't have to label them in any way because I can just refer back to the plan to see what they are called.

I hoed the whole area because weed seeds were beginning to germinate.  I will have to keep the hoe going from now on.

I put  the garden line along the side of the track way, about 8 inches from the upright slabs in order to plant the American cress.  I hoed along the line then went along with the three clawed cultivator.  Finally I used the rake to produce a fine tilth for seed sowing.  The rake was used to make a v shaped hole called a drill for the seeds and the line was watered with dilute comfrey liquid.  The American cress seeds were sown thinly and the line was then covered with soil using the rake.

The same was done for the swede seeds and their line was about 12 inches away from the American Cress line.

The are both on the brassicae bed because they are in the same family as the cabbage.  I like to keep this family of plants together so that club root (Plasmodiophora brassicae) does not get established on the allotment.

The last thing that I did on the allotment was plant another row of peas.  These were watered in with dilute comfrey liquid but I did not use any more mychorrhizal fungi.  They got a good dose in the greenhouse when I was planting them.

I used more of the chicken wire to wrap around them using  the old silver birch branches  as stakes.  I tie the chicken wire on to these stakes with garden wire.

The Nemaslug nematodes have now come so tomorrow I will be watering them onto the lettuce area of the allotment.  I will cover the area that I am watering these onto with the tarpaulin to keep it damp.  The lettuce are still a little too small to  put out yet.

I really need to get some sieved compost for sowing some of my seeds into.  I will get some tomorrow.

Some more of the Golden Acre cabbages were transplanted this morning.  I doubt very much if I need any more.

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